




卢松冲,中共党员,复旦大学遗传学博士,硕士生导师。主要从事植物叶片和果实衰老分子机理及植物营养元素高效利用的分子基础等领域研究。 近年来先后以科研骨干参加国家转基因重大专项、国家863973项目、山东省重大专项等重大课题,目前在研主持国家自然科学基金一项、山东省高等学校科技项目一项、国家博士后基金一等资助一项。在“Plant JournalPlant PhysiologyPlos GeneticsTrends in plant science等国际著名期刊发表多篇论文。







  1. Lu, S.; Ji, X.; Zhang, X.; Wu, H.; Sun, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Su, S.; Wei, S.; Liu, X. A Cationic Amino Acid Transporter NtCAT1 Promotes Leaf Senescence by the Accumulation of ABA in Nicotiana tabacum. Agronomy 2023, 13, 1691. 二区
  2. Sun, Y.; Song, K.; Guo, M.; Wu, H.; Ji, X.; Hou, L.; Liu, X.; Lu, S. A NAC Transcription Factor from Sea Rice 86Enhances Salt Tolerance by Promoting Hydrogen Sulfide Production in Rice Seedlings. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 6435. 二区TOP
  3. Mao CJ, Lu SC#, Xi DD, Wang YF, Ming F. A Rice NAC Transcription Factor Promotes Leaf Senescence via ABA Biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. 2017    May 12. pii: pp.00542.20172. 一区 TOP
  4. Kong XP, Lu SC#, Ding ZJ.WOX5 is Shining in the Root Stem Cell Niche. Trends Plant Sci. 2015 Oct;20(10):601-3. 一区TOP
  5. Lv B, Tian H, Zhang F, Liu J, Lu S, Bai M, Li C, Ding Z. Brassinosteroids regulate root growth by controlling reactive oxygen species homeostasis and dual effect on ethylene synthesis in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet. 2018 Jan 11;14(1):e1007144. SCI一区 TOP
  6. Chen X, Lu SC#, Wang YF, Lv B, Ming F.OsNAC2 encoding a NAC transcription factor that affects plant height through mediating the gibberellic acid pathway in rice. Plant J. 2015 Apr;82(2):302-14. SCI一区 TOP

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